B&I Study - welcome to join
Buidling & Infrastructure is, next to transportation, the most important market in composites. As it is crucial to get more insights in this market, we are happy to support the AZL study on Building & Infrastructure in cooperation with AVK. Please find detailed info here or call + 49 (0) 151 651 79 021 for further details.
Interview with Inside Composites
Dr. Michael Effing was interviewed by Adrian Wilson from Inside Composites about Composites Germany, market developments and further topics. Please read the entire interview here.
Textechno establishes New Department for Testing Services
AMAC´s partner Textechno establishes a new department for testing services with immediate effect. In addition to test basic fibre properties, customers can as of now specifically examine the fibre/matrix adhesion with the FIMATEST, as well as the drapability of fabrics and non-crimp for composites with the DRAPETEST. Both testing systems were awarded with innovation prizes in 2016, with the JEC and DIN innovation awards. For further information, please read the press release here.
Strategic Partnership with Swiss Gremolith
As of September 1, 2016, AMAC will cooperate with the Swiss-based specialty resins manufacturer Gremolith in order to further develop Gremolith´s presence in Europe as a niche specialist. For further information please read the entire press release here.
Interview with JEC Composites Magazine
Dr. Michael Effing in his role as President of Composites Germany was interviewed by JEC. Please view the full article as published in JEC Composites Magazine, July, issue #106 here.